Friday, May 20, 2011


Success is the key thing to a parson.Everyone want to be successful in their life.I haven't seen any person whom haven't wish to be prosper in life.They think that success means 1st in the class or school.but  I think success means any work  do well and satisfied own.The work fell proud cause the work done by you.If anyone want to be success full they should be follow some rule
.I called the rules of success.If you want do well in your life you should be determined and believe in want anything form this world should give something the world first then you got some thing from this is the rule of ours world.I think man should be perfect their own style.Everyone Bron with same quality but all of  them don't reach the success of life because they don't have any believe in work or they don't try that perfectly do the work.those man who have success in their life we should follow their life.If we follow their life we found many thing that helps us to build ours life properly.we should be read their life.
such as Abraham Linkon is the 16th president of USA he is a great men.He failed many time in his life but he tried  heart and soul and as a result he prosper and become the USA president.we wish to get success but in the way of success we will found many problem.If we passes the problem we will be successful in ours life.If we fail we fill I'm a black sheep.Don't be unhappy cause this time you teach some good thing that help you next time.Sometime we say luck is not my fever but one time you will say luck is your fever.I SAY
''Failure is the 1st condition to be success''
.If we don't fail we won't be prosper in life to be prosper we must be fail first the work 1st rule is to be prosper we must be fail.2nd rule is what type of success  you want in life? you chose and go with your plan. you plan your important things that is indeed yours some steps you should follow.3nd is vision clear what you want you must be remember every time so you be clear about your dream.then you can  go next steps 4th thing that is goal setup.Goal setup is important than anything.Its keeps you busy about your dream so be careful to this steps.then  last type is Action.what you want go out and search.In this way we find many things to be prosper.